Baroness Hollins helps launch essay collection: 'People, Care and Work in the Home'


On 21 January 2021, Beyond Words Chair and Founder Baroness Hollins joined other contributers and editors to launch a new book from the Home Renaissance Foundation: People, Care and Work in the Home

The Home Renaissance Foundation is a Think Tank, promoting a greater recognition of the work that goes into creating healthy and congenial home environments.

The Foundation’s second book, People, Care and Work in the Home, brings together 17 different contributions from scholars, researchers and practitioners from different backgrounds including three feature articles by leading figures, including Lord Best (co-chairman the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Housing and Care for Older People) and Baroness Hollins (Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry of Disability at St George's University of London).

The launch of the book is timely. The coronavirus pandemic has brought the importance of our homes and the people, work and care that happens within them to the forefront of all our lives.

In his essay, ‘A Home for Later Life', Lord Best, co-chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Housing and Care for Older People, stresses the need for “right-sizing” in homes for later life.

Baroness Hollins, Emeritus Professor of the Psychiatry and Disability, speaks from personal and professional experience about what home means for those with intellectual disabilities: ‘My home, my life’. Her keynote at the book’s launch highlighted the the work that Beyond Words has been doing to support people, their families and carers at a time when we have all been forced to spend more time at home (see our coronavirus resources). She also spoke about the importance of a home where we not only feel safe but also where we feel that we belong, referring to the BELONG manifesto created by Beyond Words in partnership with Access All Areas.

You can watch the keynotes from Lord Best and Baroness Hollins below:

People, Care and Work in the Home, edited by Mohamed Gamal Abdelmonem and Antonio Argandoña, is published by Routledge and available to purchase here.