Congratulations to all our Book Club Training graduates

Earlier this year Beyond Words started a brand-new, free training course with our friends at City Lit in London to equip people with learning disabilities with the core skills to be co-trainers on our book club training programme.

The course took place over the first six months of the year and welcomed both students from City Lit and other organisations to take part.

We are delighted to announce that our first set of trainees has now celebrated their graduation. Nigel Hollins, one of our most decorated co-authors and a co-founder of our charity, presented the seven new graduates with their certificates at their base in City Lit, recognising each of the awardees as certified Beyond Words Co-Trainers.

Some of our new graduates have decided to set up their own book club at City Lit, while some will also be setting up a book club at an organisation they attend near them. Learning from a group of Beyond Words trainers including people with learning disabilities, they have found out:

  • How they can start a book club

  • How they can use our books and images to improve the mental and physical health of people with learning disabilities and autism.

  • How they can help people to make friends and have fun through book clubs

  • How our books can be used in education, social care and health care with young people and adults with learning disabilities.

Congratulations to all our new graduates. We look forward to seeing your book clubs grow and thrive!

Find out more about book clubs near you.


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"How do you tell your story of escape from your war-torn homeland?"