Going to the Dentist featured in new article

We are delighted that our Going to the Dentist book has been featured in a new article published in Dental Update.

Patient-support Techniques for Treating Patients with Learning Disabilities examines the different ways dentists can use techniques to support people with learning disabilities, including using the book we co-developed with self-advocate Lloyd Page.

The book follows the story of a young man who doesn't take very good care of his teeth and visits a dentist after developing a toothache. It shows him consenting to a check-up and treatment to help him get better, as well as learning how to keep his teeth and gums healthy.

The story gives examples of a dental x-ray, an injection, drilling and filling, and also good oral hygiene routines. It is a great way of helping ease the anxieties about going to the dentist that many people experience.

Going to the Dentist is available in physical and ebook formats and included in some of our book sets. If you'd like to inquire about a bulk order, please get in touch.


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