Tenth anniversary of the Mental Wealth Festival

We are delighted to be celebrating the tenth anniversary of the Mental Wealth Festival at City Lit. Having co-founded the Festival back in 2014, we have had the pleasure of watching it grow and become something truly special over the last ten years.

The Mental Wealth Festival takes place from 10-12 October and will be offering a series of free panel discussions on topics like art, creativity, our own discussion about the power of pictures, neurodiversity and much more.

As always, we have a special programme of events over the Festival, including two fascinating talks, some live Book Clubs, and even an art competition. Find the full event listings below.

Programme of events

Art and colouring competitions

Free to enter

Closes: Entries must be taken in person to City Lit by 12pm on Saturday 12 October, or sent to admin@booksbeyondwords.co.uk by 12pm Tuesday 8 October to qualify. 

The first competition asks aspiring and established artists to show us what makes them happy at work or college by creating a story in three pictures. The second competition encourages everyone to get creative by colouring in pictures from one of our popular stories about friendship and trying new things, Lucy Goes Riding, A Day at the Beach or Ginger is a Hero.  

More information about the competition and entry materials.


Books Beyond Words: The Process of Authoring

Free to attend

Time: 2.30pm - 3.30pm

Books Beyond Words is a charity co-creating word-free stories for people with learning disabilities. Founder and Chair Baroness Hollins and artist Mike Nicholson talk about creating picture stories with therapeutic value, while City Lit students will show us how to read Rose Gets in Shape. Book now.

Living & Dying - the search for meaning


Time: 10am - 11am

From birth to death, our lives are a quest for meaning, filled with moments of satisfaction, regret, and everything in between. Join City Lit Principal Mark Malcomson as he delves into the topic of ‘living and dying’ with palliative care doctor and best-selling author Dr Kathryn Mannix, and Books Beyond Words Chair, Baroness Sheila Hollins. Book now.


Exploring Visual Literacy – Book Club

Free to attend

Time: 2pm - 3pm

Location: Mezzanine, City Lit

Join Beyond Words’ afternoon book clubs to explore the magic of pictures for yourself. Beyond Words staff and self-advocates will lead on a series of small book clubs developing visual literacy, empathy and understanding of each other through reading their picture stories.


Empowering a New Picture for Women's Futures


Show us what makes you happy this Mental Wealth Festival