Rose Gets in Shape
Authors: Roger Banks and Paul Wallang
Illustrated by Mike Nicholson
ISBN: 9781784580858
Pages Count: 120
This book appears in the following Book Sets
Authors: Roger Banks and Paul Wallang
Illustrated by Mike Nicholson
ISBN: 9781784580858
Pages Count: 120
This book appears in the following Book Sets
Authors: Roger Banks and Paul Wallang
Illustrated by Mike Nicholson
ISBN: 9781784580858
Pages Count: 120
This book appears in the following Book Sets
Product description:
Rose lives on her own and she has picked up some bad habits about eating and taking exercise. Her energy is low and she gets tired easily. When her doctor tells her that her weight is causing health problems, she decides to get in shape. We follow Rose through the struggles and triumphs of her weight loss journey, the new activities she takes up, and the good friends and support she finds along the way.
Losing weight is hard for everyone. Obesity is common, and people with learning disabilities are more likely than other people to become obese, and at a younger age. Rose Gets in Shape can help people to talk about their own experiences, cope with setbacks, and plan how to make lasting positive changes to their diet and activity level, improving their health and quality of life for the long term.