Am I Going to Die?
Please note: ebooks are designed to be read on smartphones, tablets and eReaders (except Kindles). You will need to have an ereading app installed on your smartphone or tablet to open the file.
Authors: Sheila Hollins and Irene Tuffrey-Wijne
Illustrated by Lisa Kopper
ISBN: 9781874439936
Page Count: 82
Please note: ebooks are designed to be read on smartphones, tablets and eReaders (except Kindles). You will need to have an ereading app installed on your smartphone or tablet to open the file.
Authors: Sheila Hollins and Irene Tuffrey-Wijne
Illustrated by Lisa Kopper
ISBN: 9781874439936
Page Count: 82
Please note: ebooks are designed to be read on smartphones, tablets and eReaders (except Kindles). You will need to have an ereading app installed on your smartphone or tablet to open the file.
Authors: Sheila Hollins and Irene Tuffrey-Wijne
Illustrated by Lisa Kopper
ISBN: 9781874439936
Page Count: 82
Product Description:
This book tells the story of John, who has an intellectual disability. John is dying. The pictures follow him in his illness and his final days. They are designed to help the reader make sense of what is happening to them or someone they know who is ill. The pictures help them to ask questions or share their concerns.
“If you know someone with a learning disability who is very ill, you can use the pictures in this book and the sample storyline to help them understand more about their illness and dying.”
“Although the story in Am I Going to Die? is fictional, it is based on the real life experiences of ten people with learning disabilities. The book draws on what was important for the participants when they were ill and dying and demonstrates best practice as identified by them.”