Getting on with Type 1 Diabetes


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Authors: Sheila Hollins and Rachel Besser

Illustrated by Catherine Brighton

ISBN: 9781874439790

Page Count: 50

Paperback available

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Please note: ebooks are designed to be read on smartphones, tablets and eReaders (except Kindles). You will need to have an ereading app installed on your smartphone or tablet to open the file.

Authors: Sheila Hollins and Rachel Besser

Illustrated by Catherine Brighton

ISBN: 9781874439790

Page Count: 50

Paperback available

Please note: ebooks are designed to be read on smartphones, tablets and eReaders (except Kindles). You will need to have an ereading app installed on your smartphone or tablet to open the file.

Authors: Sheila Hollins and Rachel Besser

Illustrated by Catherine Brighton

ISBN: 9781874439790

Page Count: 50

Paperback available

Product Description:

If you know a child or young person with an intellectual disability who has type 1 diabetes, you can use the pictures in this book to help them understand what diabetes is and how, with support, this illness can fit into their everyday life.

Florence is always thirsty and lacks energy. She is referred to hospital and has lots of tests. She is told she has diabetes and learns how to inject insulin and eat a healthy diet. At the end of the story, we see Florence enjoying time with her school friends again.
• Some people will be able to follow the story without any help
• Most people will be able to follow the story with some help from you
• Some will use the pictures to tell their own story
• Some will not be able to follow the story, but may be able to understand some of the pictures.

You may want to give the person the whole book to look at, or you could choose just a few pictures that you think will be particularly relevant. The book will give you the opportunity to provide as much support and reassurance as is needed by the person you are supporting. As well as the pictures, a sample storyline is included, together with information about diabetes and where to find help and advice.