Looking After My Balls
Please note: ebooks are designed to be read on smartphones, tablets and eReaders (except Kindles). You will need to have an ereading app installed on your smartphone or tablet to open the file.
Authors: Sheila Hollins and Justin Wilson
Illustrated by Beth Webb
ISBN: 9781874439851
Page Count: 54
Additional resources: How to Look After My Balls
Please note: ebooks are designed to be read on smartphones, tablets and eReaders (except Kindles). You will need to have an ereading app installed on your smartphone or tablet to open the file.
Authors: Sheila Hollins and Justin Wilson
Illustrated by Beth Webb
ISBN: 9781874439851
Page Count: 54
Additional resources: How to Look After My Balls
Please note: ebooks are designed to be read on smartphones, tablets and eReaders (except Kindles). You will need to have an ereading app installed on your smartphone or tablet to open the file.
Authors: Sheila Hollins and Justin Wilson
Illustrated by Beth Webb
ISBN: 9781874439851
Page Count: 54
Additional resources: How to Look After My Balls
Product Description:
It is important for every man to check his balls (testicles) regularly and to see his doctor immediately if he finds any changes that are not normal for him. You can use pictures and information in this book to help men with intellectual disabilities to learn more about their testicles and about how to look after them.
The pictures tell the story of Tom, who finds a lump while checking his balls in the shower. We follow him as he seeks help from his GP, has tests and hears that the lump is not due to cancer. The pictures are designed to help the reader to ask questions or shake their concerns.