Looking After My Eyes
Please note: ebooks are designed to be read on smartphones, tablets and eReaders (except Kindles). You will need to have an ereading app installed on your smartphone or tablet to open the file.
Authors: Sheila Hollins, Stephen Kill, Scott Watkin and Maggie Woodhouse
Illustrated by Beth Webb
ISBN: 9781784581190
Page count: 73
Please note: ebooks are designed to be read on smartphones, tablets and eReaders (except Kindles). You will need to have an ereading app installed on your smartphone or tablet to open the file.
Authors: Sheila Hollins, Stephen Kill, Scott Watkin and Maggie Woodhouse
Illustrated by Beth Webb
ISBN: 9781784581190
Page count: 73
Please note: ebooks are designed to be read on smartphones, tablets and eReaders (except Kindles). You will need to have an ereading app installed on your smartphone or tablet to open the file.
Authors: Sheila Hollins, Stephen Kill, Scott Watkin and Maggie Woodhouse
Illustrated by Beth Webb
ISBN: 9781784581190
Page count: 73
Product description:
We all need to look after our eyes. This book shows Jade and Mac getting their eyes tested, and explains what happens afterwards. Jade is given glasses to help her see better, and Mac has to have an operation. Their feelings about what happens to them, and how things are explained to them so they can give informed consent, are addressed. Fiona also has sight problems and uses a cane to get around safely, and a magnifying glass to read; at the end of the book we show her learning how to use a liquid level indicator to make a drink.
This book can be used to prepare someone before having an eye test, hospital visit or operation. It can also be used to help someone to understand the adaptations that are available for people with sight problems. It is an invaluable communication tool for eye care professionals during consultations and before treatments.